BushBarrier | Why BushBarrier
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Why BushBarrier




Bush Barrier is the leader in off road panel protection. Using some of the strongest flexible magnetic material available, you needn’t clench your sphincter at the sight of the next overgrown trail. This really is the shield between your prized 4×4 paint work and the unforgiving Australian bush.

All models are durable and best of all precision, machine cut so you can rest assured of a perfect fit every time.

Fitting and removing Bush Barrier takes only seconds and best of all it stores in a compact protective pack leaving more space for other compulsory travel items like recovery gear and of course beer.

Stock prints are available ready for shipping and be sure to check out our unique selection of Australian designs.  With a preview of all vehicles available here you’ll know exactly what your rig will look like.

We offer fully custom art work and all printing is done in house, just upload your file and your fresh new skins will be on the way. A great opportunity to advertise your own brand, 4×4 club or any other personalised theme you may require.

Our layer upon layer technology will give you peace of mind and keep you crawling forward in the face of unfamiliar terrain.

Don’t be a fool, wrap your tool.


Our story


With decades of off road experience founders Steve and Scott began protecting their own 4×4’s after many a trip was tarnished with damaged paint work. On too many occasions they’d return home from a mission with a vehicle covered in mud and dust only to discover the horrendous scratches after cleaning.

As disappointed as the fellas were upon discovering the damage, the pain really hit home when it was time to sell the 4×4’s. It’s not easy trying to sell a vehicle that looks like it’s been at a smash up derby and as a result the resale value becomes a harsh reality.

Having worked in the signage and printing business for over 25 years combined, they were familiar with what materials would best protect their investment and began customising skins.

Every time they’d hit the track people would stop and ask where they can get this product, not to mention the mates and crew that are part of their own convoy and are always looking to get hooked up.

So, after years it’s time to get serious. They know what works, what doesn’t and have stock available ready for anyone looking to protect their vehicle. There’s only so many times you can cut and polish, if you want to send it down trails on the weekends and not drive a beat up piece of Sh*t around town this is the solution for you.

Our Office

Contact Info

Email: service@bushbarrier.com.au
Phone: 1300 60 60 70